Compact blog index by category
posts indexed by category - click arrow to see lists
Hiking in the Wind Riverscomputers
Mac Studio and SoftRAID 6 compatibilitySite redesign: dealing with footnotes
Finding lost Quicken datafile on a Mac
Site Redesign with Jekyll part 3 - fixing the images
Site redesign w/Jekyll part 2 - SASS and fonts
Site redesign w/Jekyll part 1
COVID-19 Time-series analysis with Pandas and Python
Jekyll and collections
Transmit iOS and EC2
Mac OSX 10.9 Migration Pain
Enabling gzip compression on EC2
Adding SSL to an EC2 instance
Amazon EC2 server and Statamic
Kitchen sink Markdown styling
RAID is not a backup, RAID is not a backup
A Happy path for setting up the P900 for DTPIn the Weeds with DTP
Color Muse 2: new version review
Group order for UV-LED enclosures
Color Muse: an inexpensive colorimeter to use for digital negatives
Step-test measurement options
Exposure Calculator
Release of Digital Negatives with QuadToneRIP
DTP Quick Start
QuickCurve calibration for polymer intaglio
Release of Polymer Photogravure book