Release of Digital Negatives with QuadToneRIP
Another book in the Contemporary Practices in Alternative Process Photography is now published!
This book is authored by Ron Reeder and Christina Z. Anderson. Ron Reeder was the pioneer in the use of the QuadTone RIP printer driver to make excellent quality digital negatives for alternative process photographic printing techniques. Tragically, Ron died in the middle of writing this book, and the series editor, Christina Z. Anderson, continued the work he had begun and finished the book with the aid of a whole bunch of practicing artists using this printer driver.
I contributed a chapter on using QuadTone RIP for polymer photogravure, and fortunately was able to add a comprehensive section on a now-common approach to making plates called Direct to Plate or DTP for short. This method eschews the need for a two-exposure platemaking approach, and instead uses the QuadTone RIP driver to print directly on the plate which is then subsequently exposed and processed. This is a revolutionary technique and yields excellent and predictable results.
The book itself should be considered a necessary addition to the library of any alternative process printer. A comprehensive description is available at Routledge.
The book is available now on Amazon, and also at Routledge.